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Environmental Product Declarations


Environmental Product Declarations

From material extraction to recycling, we are completely aware of the environmental impact of our products. Our environmental product declarations ensure that you can be too.

Below are links to our current certification.

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  1. EPDs are comprehensive reports that provide transparent information about a product's environmental impact over its entire lifecycle

    From raw material extraction to disposal. As sustainability becomes a priority for businesses and governments, EPDs are increasingly essential for informed decision-making. 

    While not yet legally required, the demand for EPDs is growing, particularly in the construction industry, a major contributor to global carbon emissions, raw material use, and waste. EPDs drive transparency, helping businesses reduce environmental impact and enabling people in the construction process to make more sustainable choices.

    To help us to understand, monitor and mitigate our impact on the environment, we turned to construction industry experts: Institute Bauen and Umwelt (IBU) to conduct a full life cycle assessment of the Simpson Strong-Tie manufactured ranges of connectors, screws and nails. 

    The outcome is a suite of environmental product declarations which conform to the European standard EN 15804, with published values that can be incorporated into the sustainability assement of building projects.

    Carbon Contribution per Life Cycle Stage

    Values shown below are kg CO2 equivalent

    These results represent an improvement on the expected performances published by internationally recognised organisations such as Ecoinvent which provide environmental data. Our products fall under the the Econinvent category of steel components for buildings.

     Life-cycle StageScrewsNailsConnectors
    A1-3Raw material supply, transport and manufacturing3.303.313.52
    A4Transport to the jobsite0.007820.007810.00772
    C3Waste processing0.006020.006020.0145
    DRe-use recovery and recycling-0.395-0.395-0.395
    TotalSimpson Strong-Tie values3.023.053.21
    DefaultEcoInvent values4.084.084.08

Declarações Ambientais de Produtos (EPD)

Imagem Código / Nome
66T / Ferragens em T - 66T
AB90 main.jpg
AB / Esquadros estruturais - AB
AB-PB / Suporte de montagem de 90° - Acabamento preto - AB-PB
AB135-PB / Suporte de montagem de 135° - Acabamento preto - AB135-PB
C_AB255HD_ProdPho_Pho_iso_EU_CN (1).jpg
AB255HD / Esquadro reforçado para CLT - AB255HD
AB255SSH main.jpg
AB255SSH / Esquadro estrutural para CLT - AB255SSH
AB45C / Esquadro de ângulo de saída ITE - AB45C
ABAI / Esquadro acústico - ABAI
ABMI / Garra de suporte para isolamento térmico - ABMI
ABR170 a.jpg
ABR / Esquadros reforçados (170 220) - ABR
ABR / Esquadros reforçados (9015 100) - ABR
ABR105 main image
ABR / Esquadros reforçados (105, 70, 90) - ABR
ABR / Esquadros reforçados (9020 7015) - ABR
ABR 100S.jpg
ABR-S / Esquadro de estrutura - Inox A4 (100S) - ABR-S
ABR-S Main image
ABR-S / Esquadro de estrutura - Inox A4 (9020S, 10525S) - ABR-S
ABR-Z / Esquadro reforçado - ZPRO - ABR-Z
ABR255 main image
ABR255 / Esquadro reforçado para CLT - ABR255
AC35350Z / Suporte de montagem - ZPRO - AC35350Z
ACRL / Esquadro reforçado - ACRL
ACW / Esquadro para parede de cortina - ACW


Simpson Strong-Tie França

Simpson Strong-Tie

ZAC des 4 Chemins
85400 Sainte-Gemme-la-Plaine